I'm presently using two notebookcomputers, an lg-month old model powered by a 400 MHzTon one of those plateaus that thewhenever and wherever Ithat connects me to thePentium Ii pmcessor wirh I 28 MB of RAM, and a brand-newunit poweml by a 700 MHz Pentium III with 25ti MB of RAM.There's no doubt that the newer one is the perfonnancechamp. So, while wmay think that few users really need the power that can bedelivered by today's persona( computer, we' re not about tocondude that this is a steady state.Here's a case in point. 10HEAO US ON THE WEB eo'goddb t,1i Iuted to Thomas Watson, chair-man of IBM in 1943), or that 440 KB of RAM was sufficientfor anybody (attributed to Bill Gates in l98l).